147. Are we really that busy? And what doing?

As you can see from the number at the beginning of this post’s title, I have been writing and publishing Twitteretter for a good while. Getting an established readership is proving extremely hard work. In fact, quite often I cannot even get my friends and family to read it. The Twitteretter format is designed to make it very easy to read and follow, as it is daily, very short and predictably so, due to its character limit. Are we really that busy that we cannot spare the time for one or two minutes of reading a day? I fear the answer is yes. There is huge competition for our attention nowadays, and it is very difficult to focus it on what is worthwhile (I am not implying Twitteretter is, that is for you to decide). It is not uncommon to finish a day feeling you have not stopped but you have not done much. Your smartphone is full of apps armed with functionality designed to catch your attention and keep you engaged. And when you engage with your phone, you disengage from all else 

Length: 994 characters


Elia Vivero said…
Casi siempre los leo, pero comentarlos me cuesta más. No soy muy hábil con los mensajes y me lleva tiempo escribirlos
Ana said…
Totalmente de acuerdo. La proliferación de come tiempos ha sido tan brutal que no los ha dado tiempo ni a establecer un filtro o patrón para gestionarlos. Desde luego el teléfono es lo más alienate q hay. Tú no decides la mayor parte del tiempo, reaccionas a lo q entra por ahí, sin filtro... Y dejas de hacer otras cosas...

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