301. Millennial journalism

A few days ago I found myself in the unfortunate position of reading an interview I gave to a regional newspaper. Misfortune, not because my interviews are necessarily boring or uninteresting. Rather, because its execution reflected with fidelity the most salient characteristic of the journalist that interviewed me. His millennialism. Sentences were literally abandoned halfway, the chore of writing them disturbed by more interesting stimuli arriving through my reporter’s smart phone. The effort required to keep the piece coherent, the grammar honest and the reporting accurate soon overwhelmed him to the point of surrender and the abandon that follows it. I can only surmise that the editor was either non-existent, a result of a cost saving effort by the paper, or also a millennial who found equal difficulty in reading a piece stretching to several paragraphs as the reporter found in writing it. Not that it matters. The mediocrity thus produced fits snuggly with the rest of the journal

Length: 998 characters


Ana said…
🤦‍♀️Sad that the interviewee feels that way... Wish this could boost them to improve their work

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