319. Has the rebellion started? Or should we say, the resistance?

A process of extraordinary importance is taking place in Canberra, ignored by most of humanity. The Australian state, a traditional superpower, is engaging in battle with Facebook, a new supranational superpower, over payment for editorial content shared on its platform. Facebook acts, for many, as a news and content hub, a one stop shop which presents content from many sources, shared by their network. The snug is, whilst it makes huge advertising revenues, it does not pay for this content, and the Australian legislature is considering whether this is appropriate, after a claim by NewsCorp. Facebook is retaliating, not by building a Death Star, but by withdrawing news from its platform in Australia and by removing news about Australia from its global platform. When watching this dispute ensue, it is important to remember that the Australian legislature has a democratic mandate, it represents the interest of its people, whilst Facebook does not, it represents its shareholders

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